Category Archives: Male health

What to do in the treatment of impotence

For male friends, impotence has harmed both physically and mentally, and family harmony factors have also been affected. Therefore, the treatment of impotence is urgent. However, experts said that the treatment of impotence requires not only formal and scientific treatment, but also the active cooperation of blood medicine patients.   So what kind of active cooperation does the patient need to […]

What lifestyle habits can lead to infertility

What lifestyle habits can lead to male infertility ? With the development of society and the improvement of people’s living standards, the pressure from family, society and work is added together, and men are even more breathless. Coupled with some bad living habits, the reason why male infertility patients have been increasing is clear. Let’s take a look at some […]

These kinds of food can make men infertile

 1. Men beware of these 5 foods that make you infertile   fatty meat It might be masculine to munch on meat, but the opposite is true. Red meat (beef, bacon, sausage, lunch meat) keeps you from being strong. Saturated fat and cholesterol narrow the blood vessels , including the blood vessels that transport blood to the sexual area, and the congestion […]